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Small Business
by DP Taylor | Updated Aug. 5, 2022 – First published on May 18, 2022
Image source: Getty Images
A content management system capable of not only hosting content but alerting your subscribers that the content is there is a necessity for any business that relies on content marketing. After all, if no one reads your great content, you might as well not have written it in the first place.
WordPress CMS is a popular platform that offers solid tools to connect with readers, and one of those tools is a post notification system. Post notifications in your WordPress blog tell readers that a new post is available for them to read, and it will also make sure users in WordPress subscribe to posts. A WordPress email may be just the prompt your subscribers need to return to your site and absorb your content.
The WordPress subscribe and post notification function is easy to set up. Here are nine simple steps to do it on your own.
First, you need a quick and simple plug-in. Log in to your WordPress business website manager and go to the main dashboard. Click on the “Plugins” menu option on the left-hand side.

Affiliate Marketing As A Business

Choose “Plugins” on the left side of the WordPress dashboard menu. Image source: Author
Search for “Email Subscribers & Newsletters.” Install the first plug-in that shows up.

Install the “Email Subscribers & Newsletters” plug-in, which will help you manage your post notifications. Image source: Author
With the plug-in installed, select “Email Subscribers” on the left-hand side and then click on “Campaigns” to launch a new campaign.
Within the “Campaigns” tab, you will then select “Create Post Notification.”
Choose which email list you’d like to access to distribute the notification of a new post.
Next, you’ll select the template you’d like to use for your email by selecting the drop-down menu. To create a template, click on the green “Manage Templates” button in the top right.

You can select a template from the drop-down menu, but you may have to create one first. Image source: Author
Click on “Post Category,” which allows you to choose how you’d like to disseminate the notification of the post. The system will cross-check and match post categories with post notifications in the future.
Once you’ve matched, the post notification will be distributed to your subscribers. If you don’t care about the categories and just want to send out all WordPress recent posts, choose “All Categories.”
If you want to go a step further and get into custom post types (CPT), choose CPT, which will send notifications after publishing the selected CPT. Categories won’t be matched for CPTs.
Select “Save Changes” when you’re satisfied with the result. This completes the process and automates future post notifications.
Post notifications are a great way to keep your readers involved and engaged, but you should explore other outreach options in WordPress. For example, you could make a newsletter. WordPress newsletters are an excellent way to regularly reach out and touch your customers and remind them you’re there while also offering useful information.
You can create an RSS WordPress feed they can subscribe to, and you can use WordPress email subscription plug-in tools for additional help.
Website management and content management are vital to expanding your brand, so don’t neglect these critical areas. Put a lot of effort into great posts that provide real, practical information to your customers and aggressively distribute them using as many channels and tools as possible.
Post notifications are one way to do it but use the other methods described above to be sure you’re connecting with as many subscribers as possible.
DP Taylor is a business software expert writing for The Ascent and The Motley Fool.
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