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Research Snipers
From real-time survey tools to AI-powered programming and automated emailing, technology is quickly emerging as a much-needed backbone for modern-day marketing campaigns.
These savvy innovations allow marketing teams to reach wider audiences in a highly personalized manner to improve engagement. 
They also help them understand the features that stand out for their customers, how people interact with their brand, and how the competition is fairing.
If you want to revolutionize your lead generation strategy by incorporating tech-savvy digital strategies, here are some solid options.
With overflowing to-do lists and leads to generate and nurture, many marketing teams are stretched thin and can’t imagine adding an extra task to their schedules.
Thanks to marketing automation, many existing and extra tasks can be handled by technology. Marketing automation allows you to maintain contact with prospects and customers alike through automated messages triggered by their activities.
By streamlining marketing roles (follow-up workflows, educational workflows, email campaigns, etc) your team’s efficiency improves and they stay productive. Not bad for reducing that to-do list, right?
How do you get high-impact results?
Is lead generation software worth it?
Lead generation is a key success metric for many businesses, which means leveraging technology to gather qualified leads’ information and grow the pipeline is crucial. The software collects contact info about new prospects and routes it to the team for nurturing and conversion.
Well, the other option is manually (and tediously not to mention inaccurately) prospecting contacts.
Before investing in particular software, consider the following:
The campaigns you intend to run should help inform the lead generation platform you choose. Here are some options:
A great script, polished knowledge, and a positive attitude are great for cold calling. But how about throwing in cold calling software to empower the team even further?
Not only will it improve efficiency, but also improves your chances of closing more deals.
How do you choose the right software?
Think about this: People spend time on WhatsApp or Slack chatting with teammates, customers, and other people. This very trend has transcended into the B2B scene, allowing businesses to communicate with one another as well. 
Deploying this technology on your website facilitates well-oiled real-time online interactions with bots or human support teams.
Top ways for optimizing this strategy include:
As a trend that has transcended from B2C, voice search is about providing instant gratification. Businesses can stand out by leveraging voice searches to provide answers the moment people ask.
But here’s the thing-the answers served are pegged on the information available. This means you’ll need a robust search-engine optimized content strategy if this tactic is to deliver results.
Best practices include:
Alexia is the author at Research Snipers covering all technology news including Google, Apple, Android, Xiaomi, Huawei, Samsung News, and More.
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